Monday, March 26, 2007

Common Misconception About Critical Thinking

I asked one of my star students to define critical thinking.  The answer she gave demonstrates a common misconception about critical thinking among nursing students.


Margaret said...

This student, like other students, has confused the Nursing Process, which is a method of problem solving; with Critical Thinking.

Cheryl said...

This is great, Margaret. These are the kinds of differences students need to keep in mind, and it takes awhile to perceive the differences when these concepts are new.

Dale said...

Margaret, Very nice job of bringing us into the world of nursing education. Critical thinking is common to all professions, and I have learned some valuable information on the perception of Critical Thinking that I can take into my own classroom.

Unknown said...

It's understandable if her only form of higher education has been the Nursing Program that she wouldn't be as well rounded in other forms of problem solving.